Friday, August 30, 2013

Lab Safety Videos

Watch the following videos to learn about lab safety. (21 minutes total)

Lab Safety Assignments and Due Dates

By Friday, August 30th,  students will receive a Science Safety Contract that we will review in class, along with the safety features of my lab classroom.

They will then be responsible for reading, filling in, and signing this contract.

Please make sure that the parents/guardians of each student also reads and signs this safety contract.

Students will not be able to participate in any experiments until this signed contract is returned to me.  

Return the signed contract by Tuesday, September 3rd.

There will be a Safety Quiz based on this safety contract and the lesson in class that students must pass to be able to participate in experiments in class.  This quiz will be on Tuesday, September 3th.

There will also be a Chemical Safety Poster assignment that goes along with this, and it must be completed outside of class and handed in by Friday, September 6th.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Video Review of Types and States of Matter

Video to Explain Significant Digits in Measurements

Homework Thursday 08/29/13

Homework for today -- practice Safety Quiz

Look at each illustration, figure out all the things that the people are doing that are wrong or UNSAFE, and write them on the lines underneath each picture.

Students will be called to write their answers on the board tomorrow at the start of class.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Few Days of Chemistry Class

As an introductory activity in class on the first day, students will be investigating the differences between physical and chemical changes -- a review of topics covered in middle school and earlier high school science classes.

Over the first few days of school, students will be getting a course outline with important information about what they need for class each day, how grades are assigned in my classes, and other useful things.  

They will also be receiving a sheet on the rules of my classroom -- a bit different because it is a laboratory classroom with the extra concerns of lab equipment and chemicals to consider.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome to Mr. McNulty's Chemistry Classes 2013-2014!

Hello and Welcome to all of my students and their parents/guardians!

This blog will contain helpful information, videos, applets, websites, etc. that will connect with the topics and assignments that we cover in chemistry class.

Information and dates about homework, lab reports, tests and quizzes, and other class assignments will be posted as well.

If you ever have questions or concerns that are not addressed on this blog, please feel free to contact me at my school email,